Children living with domestic abuse

Our first publication

We have just published our first paper from our project.

It is called “Prevalence and Social Inequality in Experiences of Domestic Abuse Among Mothers of Young Children: A Study Using National Survey Data from Scotland” and has been published in the Journal of Interpesonal Violence. It can be found here:

Some of the key findings are:

– Overall, 14% of mothers report experiencing abuse since the birth of their 6 year-old children who are part of the survey.

– The most commonly experienced forms of abuse were coercive control (11%), followed by physical violence (7%) and threats (7%).

– Compared to mothers in the highest income households, mothers on the lowest incomes were far more likely to experience any abuse, and they had 5 times greater odds of experiencing more types of abuse more often.

– For mothers who were both in the youngest age category and the poorest income category it is predicted that 1 in 3 experience some form of abuse. By contrast, 1 in 10 mothers who were neither in the youngest nor poorest categories are predicted to experience abuse.

– Mothers of a male study child were slightly more likely to experience abuse than mothers whose study-child was a girl (20% higher odds).